How do I Prepare For An Eye Exam?

One of the most common questions is “how do I prepare for an eye exam?” We are going to give you a list so you know exactly what to expect and what you need to bring!

What to bring to your eye exam:

  • The pair(s) of glasses and/or prescription sunglasses you wear most often
  • Current contact lens information, if you wear contact lenses
  • Any relevant information about your general health including allergies and any past eye surgeries
  • Bring a list of current medications and/or supplements you’re taking
  • Your BC care card and any private vision insurance you may have
  • A driver if you’re not confident to drive after your pupils are dilated
  • Any specific questions or concerns you may have about eyes or vision in general

Why Should You Have Your Pupils Dilated?

Although receiving dilating drops during your eye examination is up to you, there is a high likelihood that we will recommend it. Dilating drops cause your pupils to open wider to give a better view of the back of the eye, allowing the retina to be properly examined (and documented with high quality retinal photos). Having an eye exam without pupil dilation is like trying to examine a room through a keyhole as opposed to opening the door.

We recommend dilation for the following patients:

  • Anyone over the age of 30 who has never had their eyes dilated before
  • Every few years between the ages of 30-50
  • Every full examination for patients over 50
  • All patients who are highly near-sighted
  • All patients with Diabetes

At Inspired Eyes, we strive to give our patients the most thorough, comprehensive eye examination possible and we want you to come and be fully prepared for your eye exam. Pupil dilation causes your eyes to be light sensitive and for some people it can make your vision blurry. For 4-6 hours afterwards, this may affect your ability to drive or work. To be safe, we recommend having a driver with you and allotting up to 60 minutes for your visit. You may choose not to have a dilated exam this time, but our hope is that the guidelines above are helpful to make an informed decision.

You no longer have to ask yourself the question “how do I prepare for an eye exam?” because we have answered your question right here.


Dr. Danny Walker hails from Mississauga, Ontario, and has been practicing Optometry in the Okanagan for the past three years. Dr. Walker completed both his Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Optometry degrees at the University of Waterloo. At Inspired Eyes Optometry, Dr. Walker enjoys being able to provide his patients with thorough examinations and personalized eye care.
Dr. Walker is available for morning, daytime, evening and Saturday appointments at Inspired Eyes Creative Eyewear & Optometry.

Call (250) 862-5900 or Book Online.

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